Wednesday 14 October 2009

Lesson 5 - Homework

Results of news consumption research and interviews

In this investigation, each of the participants consumes news daily in some form. However, there are increasingly more ways to access the news and therefore the way in which people consume daily news can vary widely. Here is a summary of my findings:

  • Online news is becoming an increasingly popular way of obtaining news due to its accessibility.
  • Most adults continue to read a newspaper daily, as well as sometimes referring to online news websites.
  • Comments suggest that online news is used mostly in reference to a particular news item or article. This is likely to be due to the search facility on news websites, which allows users to search key words to find particular items of interest.
  • Those who read newspapers do so as a means of relaxation as well as to keep up with current affairs (perhaps reading the newspaper whilst ‘having a coffee’ or during a journey to work). This activity requires a hard copy newspaper, rather than reading from an on-screen version.
  • Those who read newspapers are also more likely to consume news daily, as their newspaper is most often delivered to their door. Online news requires actively seeking the news without reminder.
  • For men in particular, sports coverage played an important part in their new consumption, and most commented that they would prefer to consume this via television, as this often provides re-plays of specific events or goals for example.
  • Those younger than sixth form tend to have very little interest or knowledge in current affairs or politics. Girls read fashion or gossip magazines based around celebrity news, and boys tend to read comics, or sports news.
  • However, at sixth form or university level, students begin to take more interest in politics and like to keep up-to-date with current affairs. Often they choose to do this via the Internet or television, which their generation is more associated with.

Lesson 5 - Comparing Newspapers and the Internet

There are many benefits to online news. Most notably, online news is free! The Internet serves as a means of instant access to news for anyone with a computer and Internet access. Most news websites keep archives of past articles, which are extremely useful for research, or simply to read back to past news on current affairs, perhaps to gain a better understanding. Generally, news websites also categorise their articles, providing easier navigation. For example the news websites listed below categorise their articles as follows:




Online news is also more up-to-date, as it can be constantly edited and updated. Newspapers are printed daily, which means that often news is not delivered until the next day. Online news is also able to provide more detail, as there is no printing limit on the length of articles. Similarly, articles for more niche audiences would not always be printed in newspapers, but can be published online and made available for those who are interested in them, without boring everyone else!

However, many people, particularly of older generations, are not comfortable with using the Internet and so would prefer a hard copy of their news. The newspaper industry continues to provide this in various publications suited to a range of audiences.