Thursday 10 September 2009

Lesson 1 - Web 2.0

Dear diary,

Today we discussed the many advantages of Web 2.0 which has allowed the creation of sites such as; Facebook, Twitter, Wikipedia, YouTube, Blogger and more!

The Yasmin's used pretty felt tips to make an attractive mind map, and Hannah the Merry one detailed the advantages for each Web 2.0 example.

These included the opportunity to review products brought from online shopping sites, such as Amazon or Ebay. Feedback from other customers helps prospective buyers to choose their product.

Web 2.0 has created huge advertising opportunities, particularly for brands with young target audiences. Social Networking sites offer great advertising means for products, bands, clubs and more. YouTube offers a means for bands to host their music videos, and also for anyone to post videos to the internet.

Social Networking sites such as Facebook allow users to upload photos and videos. They act as a means of communication with friends all over the world, allowing you to keep up-to-date with each other's lives, via status updates, relationship status's, comments, and wall posts.

Thanks for listening. Night night diary.

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